"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost....It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, to keep the channel open." -Martha Graham, modern dancer and choreographer
Perhaps you have experienced moments of great passion for something you were doing, when you were so immersed in the creative flow of energy that you lost track of time. Or maybe you have had moments when you felt a blissful acceptance and harmonious connection with all of life. You can live more of the time in these states of being by learning to let go of the limitations of past programming and fear-based belief patterns, freeing you to experience a more direct connection to all of the aspects of your life, including your life's work. You can consciously create a life filled with passion, purpose and joy.
Consider that you are an artist and your life is your creation. From this perspective, all difficulties are accepted as challenges that motivate and guide us to grow. Problems become opportunities to transform limiting beliefs, attitudes and actions, while creating a more meaningful, more joyous journey through life. Healing involves removing the obstacles to your inherent wholeness and the unique expression of your life energy. I can help you with your personal journey towards wholeness and integration on all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. I honor and support each person's chosen pathway towards personal integration, life purpose and spiritual development.
Your journey of discovering meaning and purpose in life may include any of the approaches that I utilize. Often the first step involves reducing your stress and addressing any difficulties in your past and present, so that you can consciously and freely create a life that is rich with purpose. There is a continuum in life that moves from surviving to thriving, and the approaches I offer can be applied effectively throughout the entire continuum. The foundation of how I will work with you is based on deep listening, compassion and respect for you as an individual. We will start wherever you are in your life and focus on what is important to you. This may include:
Intrapersonal exploration to help you to get to know, love and accept yourself from the deepest levels of your being.
Interpersonal expansion to deepen and strengthen a spiritual connection in your important relationships.
Career exploration to identify what your abilities, special skills and passions are, and to clarify how you want to direct these strengths.
Personal discovery of new activities, hobbies or service projects that will bring you joy and satisfaction.
Creating personal goals and a step by step action plan for your life.
My role (and an important dimension of my life purpose) is to help you to connect with the inner wisdom of your heart and mind to clarify what you want to create, and to help you remove any obstacles that may be in the way, so that you can be truly yourself and gift the world with your unique passions and skills.